18 Jun

“How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.” — Marcus Aurelius

There is no such thing as righteous anger.

A careless word, a truth that stings.

A tiny spark fanned by unseen winds,

Started the fire that set the stage.

Grows to an inferno , called it rage.

Logic shrinks, cornered and whimpering

Reason takes flight with a broken wing.

Begging, now a choked whisper in the storm,

Pleading, a fragile hope, tattered and torn.

Words now add fuel to the fires,

A battle led by blind eyes and deaf ears.

The frenzy of anger consumes all in sight,

Leaving only embers, unmoved by plight.

The aftermath, a desolate smouldering plain,

Where beauty once reigned , only ashes remain.

Regret and remorse , a bitter aftertaste

If only I had paused, before it was too late?

A cup of kindness, like calming gentle rain,

To douse the flames, ease the searing pain.

Forgiveness, a blanket of cool soothing sand,

Hope to bury the embers with a steadfast hand.

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