12 May

Chapter 1  Junga - The wise one 

I woke up with a start, like you wake up in a motel room after a long drive, slightly disoriented and confused. As my mind cleared, events of yesterday whizzed past. The memory of a scheduled meeting with Junga jolted me into action. "Oh, he's going to be there any moment now," I thought.

As I got ready... technically, there wasn't much to get ready for, except a shower. No change of clothes, no phone (which, strangely, felt like a relief). No other worldly possession .  I was surprised at my own calmness considering the situation. I am in a cave. Yes, a cave. And Junga, an orangutan. Before you conclude I'm hallucinating, let me tell you, I had the same thought yesterday when this all started. I am in Junglestan, a kingdom of Animals. 

I call it a cave because it looks like one. But make no mistake, it was appointed like a 7-star hotel in Dubai. Beyond the sheer luxury, what truly amazed me was the environmentally friendly design, straight out of an architect's textbook. The placement of windows and clever use of natural light were impressive.

 An  internal debate raged on as I awaited Junga. From what I learned yesterday, I could finally piece together some information. I'm in Junglestan, a monarchy ruled by a Monkey King named Vana Varman. Junga didn't disclose much, but his silence only fuelled my curiosity. Not that he didn't want to discuss it, but maybe he felt that  it wasn't the time considering my condition yesterday – battered physically, confused, and bewildered. 

Could a well-run monarchy truly be the answer to the chaos of democracy? Junglestan, with its talking animals and advanced society, was a living experiment, and I was about to become a part of it

Back home, the news was a cacophony of political squabbles and legislative gridlock. Here, in Junglestan, whispers of a benevolent monarchy swirled around the King Vana Varma.

The idea  was initially unsettling. Democracy, with all its flaws, was all I knew.

Wouldn't a single, strong leader, free from shackles  committees and endless debates, be more efficient? Imagine a ruler who prioritises the long-term well-being of the kingdom, able to make swift decisions and bear the consequences of these decisions. Back home, history books brimmed with tales of corrupt politicians and bureaucratic nightmares. Here, in Junglestan, whispers hinted at a different reality – a leader whose fate mirrored the kingdom's, free from the shadows of backroom deals and agendas fuelled by self-interest."  Just a single leader, accountable to all…..

Junga's physical form resembled any other orangutan. But it was those eyes that truly set him apart.They possessed a profound depth, a quiet wisdom that resonated with an uncanny familiarity. Junga exuded an air of gentle authority, a calmness that seemed to radiate outward. This unexpected serenity put me at ease despite the extraordinary circumstances surrounding my arrival. Yesterday, during our initial meeting, his demeanour surprised me. Despite his regal bearing and the serene smile that often graced his lips, there was a hint of something else behind his eyes .Sadness , yearning , suspicion .. I really could not put my finger on that feeling 

Beyond his physical appearance, the similarities to the Dalai Lama I so admired were undeniable. Junga possessed the same playful glint in his eyes, a deep understanding that seemed to pierce right through me, and an earnestness that resonated with every word he spoke. Yet, the weight of his unspoken agenda and the hint of desperation in his plea for help created a dissonance that left me both intrigued and wary.

As I waited for Junga, there was a lingering doubt that this was all some elaborate candid camera prank, or perhaps I'd stumbled onto the set of a sequel to Planet of the Apes. Shaking my head, I tried to focus. This was real. Or at least, it felt frighteningly real.

About : Jungle Tales 2.0  : The awakening

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