31 May

This is the questionnaire devised by AI Maya for identifying your faith. My responses are given in line. The AI applies the unique algorithm called AUFI ( Autonomous Unbiased Faith Indicator ) to identify the faith.

The Divine and the Afterlife:

  1. Do you believe in a single God, multiple deities, or a higher power of some kind? 
  2. No.
  3. If you answered yes to question 1, what are the attributes of this divine being(s)? Not applicable.

3. What happens to us after we die? Beats me.

4. Do you believe in an afterlife, and if so, what is it like? No.

5. Does your faith offer any concept of heaven, hell, or reincarnation? No.

Purpose and Morality:

6. What is the meaning of life, according to your beliefs? Contributing to society, helping others, and leaving a positive impact on the world. Pursuing knowledge, achieving your full potential, and living a life true to your values.

7. Do you believe in a set of moral guidelines or principles? If so, where do they come from? I reject divinely mandated morals. Ethics are based on reason and logic, considering the consequences of actions and their impact. Values empathy, compassion, and upholding human rights. Champions rational self-interest, respecting others’ rights while pursuing your own goals.

8. How does your faith influence your decisions and actions in everyday life? Critical thinking and mindfulness before making choices. Rejection of dogma and blind faith, encouraging independent thought. Focus on logic and reason when evaluating options and potential outcomes.

9. Does your faith promote personal salvation or a focus on the betterment of society? I would lean towards societal betterment. While personal growth and fulfilment are important, there’s an emphasis on contributing to the greater good.

10. How does your faith view suffering and evil? I view suffering and evil as a natural part of the world, not divine punishment. I prefer addressing social issues that contribute to suffering and working towards a just world. Encourages individuals to strive for their own well-being, which can contribute to a better society as a whole.

Scripture and Practice:

11 Does your faith have a central text or set of scriptures? Not really. There are some interesting Buddhist texts, but I take what resonates and leave the rest.

12. How important is the study of scripture in your faith tradition?

Not super important. Personal experience and critical thinking are more valuable.

13. Does your faith have specific rituals or practices for worship or prayer? Meditation practices borrowed from Buddhism can be helpful for inner peace. But sometimes, a walk in nature or a conversation with a loved one feels more meaningful.

14. How important is prayer in your faith life? Prayer in the traditional sense? Not so much. But reflection and gratitude are important.

15. Does your faith tradition emphasise personal experience or religious authority? Absolutely personal experience! Question everything, including religious authorities.

Community and Belonging:

16. Does your faith have a formal religious structure or organisation?

Nope. More of a loose network of individuals who share similar beliefs — online forums, maybe some local meet-ups focused on meditation or social justice.

17.How important is community in your faith life? Finding others who question and explore is important. It helps to know you’re not alone.

18 Does your faith tradition have specific roles or expectations for its followers? No rigid roles. Be a good person, be curious, and contribute positively to the world.

19.How does your faith view other religions and spiritual paths? All paths are welcome! Diversity is a good thing. We can all learn from each other.

20. Does your faith encourage missionary work or conversion efforts?

Absolutely not. It’s more about personal exploration, not conversion.

Living the Faith:

21. Does your faith have dietary restrictions or specific rules about food consumption? Nope. Eat what nourishes your body and doesn’t harm the environment. Moderation is key.

22. Does your faith have any specific dress codes or guidelines for appearance? Be comfortable and respectful. Outer appearances don’t matter much.

23. Does your faith emphasize acts of charity or social justice? Absolutely! Helping others and making the world a better place is a core value.

24. How does your faith view stewardship of the environment? We only have one planet. Taking care of it is essential .

25. How does your faith approach concepts like war, violence, and conflict resolution? Violence is never the answer. Diplomacy, reason, and peaceful solutions are the way to go

Personal Journey:

26. How were you raised in terms of religion? Maybe a bit of everything. Now, I create my own spiritual path.

27. Has your faith changed or evolved over time? If so, how? Definitely! More scepticism now, but also a deeper appreciation for the mysteries of life

28. What are some of the challenges you face in practising your faith?

Finding balance between scepticism and openness. The unknown can be both scary and exciting.

29. How has your faith provided comfort or support in difficult times?

Knowing I’m not alone in the universe, even if the universe itself doesn’t care. Focusing on the present moment can be very grounding.

30. What role does faith play in your hopes and aspirations for the future?

It fuels my desire to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on the world.

Comparative and Open- Ended:

31. What are some of the core values or beliefs that distinguish your faith from others? The blend of scepticism, humanism, and openness to various spiritual practices sets it apart.

32. Are there any specific practices or rituals in your faith that hold special meaning for you? Maybe some Buddhist meditation practices, but mostly just taking time to reflect and appreciate the beauty of life.

33. Have you ever encountered a spiritual experience that challenged your beliefs? Not exactly a spiritual experience, but moments of wonder in nature — a breathtaking sunset, the vastness of the night sky — can make me question the limitations of human understanding. Maybe there’s more to the universe than science can currently explain.

34. How does your faith view science and its role in understanding the world? Science is a powerful tool for understanding the world, but it doesn’t have all the answers. There’s room for both scientific inquiry and a sense of mystery.

35. What are your thoughts on the concept of religious pluralism — the existence of many religions? A good thing! Diversity of thought and experience can enrich our understanding of the divine and the human condition

These final questions are more open-ended, allowing for deeper exploration of personal faith:

36. In your own words, what does faith mean to you? Faith is a personal philosophy or a set of guiding principles that helps you to navigate life. It’s about trusting your own reason and critical thinking to find meaning and purpose.

37. How does your faith shape your relationship with the world around you? My faith encourages me to be present and engaged with the world, to act with kindness and understanding towards others, and to contribute to a better society.

38. Does your faith offer a sense of purpose or direction in your life?

Contributing to society, helping others, and living a fulfilling life would be central to my purpose.

39. What are some of the most important lessons your faith has taught you? Reason, logic, empathy, compassion, social responsibility, and leaving a positive impact would be key lessons.

40. How does your faith contribute to your overall sense of well-being and happiness? Living a life true to my values, helping others, and contributing to a better world would likely bring a sense of fulfilment and well-being to me .

My Faith: Do I really need a label ( Part 1) ?

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