02 Jan

A casual google search or even better a query in ChatGPT will give you links to zillion websites or a neatly bulleted list of reasons why you should blog.  While all of them like creativity , improving writing skills , sharing ideas , social impact , documenting personal journey etc  are valid reasons I would like to point out few other things here.I see most of the blogs are about making money ,considering the number of advertisement which pop up or the annoying AI based chat box which offering some unsolicited advice or help. The positive effects  blogging can have on your mental health , wellness and self care  are often  understated. Let  us dive little deeper.

For most of us , the ideas we want to share are often a   jumbled mess of thoughts . A very conventional way is to - as we say it - put these  "on a piece of paper".  Well , that is what a blog is about. Moreover , sometimes our thinking and ideas aren’t really solid until we’ve shared them for an audience. Adding your name and face to that content is the first step in building your confidence and self esteem.When we put our thoughts and feelings down on paper, we are able to process them in a way that can be cathartic and therapeutic. It promotes self-awareness , mindfulness and self reflection   and  help us gain a deeper  understanding of ourselves, our thoughts, and our feelings. It can also help us identify patterns and triggers in our behaviour . Writing about your struggles can be therapeutic and allows   you  to reflect on your experiences, gain new insights, and release pent-up emotions.

So here is my journey , one rant at a time ......

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