12 Jun

Here I am, trying to write creatively, but being bombarded with information I don’t need. Information overload, they call it. If only there were a content filter for my mind! The word “filter” actually comes from the Latin “filtrum,” meaning felt, the material used for filtering. But for online content, I need something more sophisticated than a piece of felt. Maybe personal bouncers who keep the door open for the good stuff and keep out the nonsense?

Information I Can Do Without:

  • Career Development: Ah, the never-ending quest for career advice! Climb the ladder! Manage people! Impress the boss! It’s enough to make you want to retire already! But seriously, for those of us nearing retirement, all those “climb the ladder” articles feel… irrelevant. How about “gardening for a career” instead?
  • Entrepreneurship and Startup Culture: Ugh, those articles about building your brand, living the #startuplife, and securing VC funding? Been there, done that (and it wasn’t pretty!). Now I’m more interested in finishing the last few episodes of my Netflix series.
  • Financial Accumulation Strategies: Forget six-figure salaries and million-dollar mansions and crypto bonanzas! My financial philosophy, cultivated in the school of hard knocks, prioritises happiness over chasing get-rich-quick schemes. My pension check and some side gigs I love ,keep me afloat. Seed funding for me? More like buying grass seed for a beautiful lawn! A “thank you” from my neighbour for mowing her lawn is better than any round of VC funding.
  • Productivity Hacks for Busy Professionals: All those articles on “optimising your workday” and “squeezing in more” — they might work for some, but for creative minds like mine, they spell another problem. What will I do with all the time I save? Clearly, heading into “productivity overload” territorial waters. Here is a better hack… Stay tuned for some tips on building your own “Sanity Saver” toolkit!
  • The Ever-Changing Job Market: Clearly, like topic #1, this has nothing for me. But I can lend you my almanac of “What Not to Do” after years of experience in the field. Maybe I should add to the mix… my own book, “Been There, Done That: A Veteran’s Guide to What Not to Do in Today’s Job Market.”
  • Latest Tech Gadgets and Trends: Believe me, I crossed the threshold of “Technology awe” long ago. For a guy who was transporting a 20 MB (yes my friend , 20 MB, not a typo) Winchester hard drive (100 lbs) on a forklift, a cell phone being 6 mm thick or 3 mm thick hardly makes a difference. Nothing surprises me anymore, and I’m definitely not interested.
  • Celebrity Gossip: Who said what to whom and why? I can’t even remember what I said yesterday or where I kept my glasses. Honestly, between keeping track of my grocery list and where I parked the car, there’s no room for memorising celebrity spats.
  • Useless Health Tips: Ah, they say if anything is too good to be true, then it’s not true. Same goes here. Eat all you want and have a beach-worthy waistline? Two minutes a day of this workout and you’ll have a chiselled body, rippling muscles, and a six-pack thrown in for free! Give me a balanced diet, some good old-fashioned exercise, and maybe a nap, and I’ll be on my way to feeling fantastic.
  • Hacks to Increase Viewership and Readership: Alright, alright, I hear you. But this is very relevant to what I’m saying — these hacks are, in fact, a big chunk of the very information overload I’m trying to escape! Content is king, and there’s a whole new industry dedicated to telling you how to be a part of that royal family. Maybe the real hack is to focus on creating something you’re passionate about, something that cuts through the noise and resonates with people who share your interests.
  • About God , holy book , Inner peace , Salvation etc : Let me be honest with you . These things can not be attained with $24.00 subscription. “Nirvana in Nine easy steps” does not work. Religion is something personal and you have to read , understand , relate and think and forge your own path.
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